Anime, a popular form of Japanese animated entertainment, has become a global cultural phenomenon.
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Procrastination, the act of delaying tasks or decisions despite knowing their importance, is something most people experience at some point in life. 
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Festivals in India are synonymous with joy, togetherness, and rich cultural traditions. Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christmas, and other celebrations bring families closer, reminding everyone of their shared values and history. 
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Childhood is a period of immense growth, learning, and vulnerability. During these formative years, experiences shape how individuals perceive themselves and the world around them. 
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Holistic well-being refers to the overall harmony of physical, mental, and emotional health. It’s about addressing the entire person—body, mind, and spirit—in order to lead a balanced and fulfilling life. 
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 Narcissism is a personality trait that exists on a spectrum, with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) being its extreme form. 

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Delusions are deeply held false beliefs that are not aligned with reality and are resistant to change, even when presented with contradictory evidence.
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When a loved one dies by suicide, the emotional aftermath for family and friends is both overwhelming and devastating. 
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Suicidal thoughts are a profound and tragic struggle, often rooted in complex emotional, cognitive, and social factors. 
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Therapy can be a transformative process, but for some clients, the journey is fraught with resistance. 
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Shame and guilt are two deeply rooted emotions that significantly influence our lives. While often confused, these emotions are distinct, each playing a different role in shaping our personality, perception, and behavior. 
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Therapy can be a vital tool in helping individuals affected by narcissistic parenting to heal and reclaim their sense of self. 
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Narcissistic parenting is a complex and deeply damaging experience for children, one that can leave scars that last a lifetime.
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Being in a relationship with a narcissist can feel like living in a whirlwind. At first, everything seems perfect—the love is intense, the attention is overwhelming, and it feels like you've met your soulmate.
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In the complex web of parent-child relationships, expectations often play a pivotal role in shaping a child's development, self-esteem, and overall mental health. 
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Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet many people who need treatment fail to get it. 
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Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition. In this article, we aim to debunk common misconceptions about DID, explain its symptoms in simple terms, and discuss effective treatment methodologies. 
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In India, the pursuit of academic excellence is often synonymous with the preparation for competitive exams. 
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Workplace stress is an increasingly common phenomenon that affects employees across various industries and levels of seniority. 
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Mental health is often discussed in terms of individual experiences, but it's crucial to recognize its contagious nature. 
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Pregnancy and the postpartum period can be a whirlwind of emotions and challenges for mothers. 
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Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide, yet it remains widely misunderstood. We all have read a lot about bipolar, it is one of the most confusing mental health issue.
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The bond between a father and child is a unique and powerful connection that significantly influences the child's psychological development. Fathers play a critical role in shaping their children’s personalities and future well-being. From fostering confidence to enhancing emotional security, involved dads leave an indelible mark on their children's future.

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In the whirlwind of life's challenges, it's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed, lost, or simply down or one could say they are feeling blue. 
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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It can be a challenging condition to live with, both for the individual experiencing it and for their loved ones.
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Anxiety is a natural part of being human. It's that flutter in your chest before a big presentation, the worry about an upcoming event, or the racing thoughts when faced with uncertainty. 
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Welcoming a new life into the world is a momentous occasion, but it's not uncommon for new mothers to experience a range of emotions, including sadness and anxiety. For some, these feelings can escalate into something more serious known as postpartum depression (PPD). At The Mindveda, we understand the complexities of postpartum depression and are here to support you on your journey to recovery.  
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Empathy is often likened to a balloon within us, capable of lifting us through life's challenges and relationship conflicts. Picture it: a healthy amount of empathy allows us to float gracefully, understanding others' perspectives and overcoming hurdles with ease. 
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William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" stands as a timeless testament to the complexities of love, tragedy, and the human psyche. Beyond the classic tale of star-crossed lovers, the play offers profound insights into the mental health struggles faced by individuals in the throes of passionate relationships.
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In the dazzling world of fame, where glamour and success seem to go hand in hand, it's easy to forget that even celebrities face their own unseen battles.
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that affects individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. While it is commonly associated with combat veterans, it can also have a profound impact on crime victims.
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In the world of entertainment, there's something intriguing happening. We often get hooked on TV shows and movies that feature characters with issues, like mental health problems.
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In an era of relentless progress and advancement, it's disheartening to witness the glaring imbalance in the way people perceive and invest in their mental health.
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Gender identity is an integral component of an individual's sense of self, playing a substantial role in shaping their mental and emotional well-being. When individuals grapple with gender dysphoria, a condition where their sense of gender doesn't align with their assigned sex at birth, their life journey becomes infused with several complexities.
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India, known for its rich cultural tapestry, has seen significant progress in acknowledging the rights and identities of LGBTQ+ individuals. Yet, the psychological impact of being a member of the LGBTQ+ community in India is a multifaceted journey marked by challenges and triumphs.
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Empathy is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, allowing us to connect with and understand the emotions and experiences of others and ourselves.
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Fairytales have been an integral part of childhood for generations, captivating the imaginations of young minds with stories of magic, adventure, and moral lessons.
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Have you ever had to deal with the urge to engage in self distressing behaviours, for instance, dealing with the urge of harming oneself?

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Have you ever woken up from a vivid, unsettling dream that jolts you out of sleep in the middle of the night?
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Do you ever feel a sense of isolation from your social world? If yes, then you might agree that it often becomes difficult to navigate through the solitude and cope with it.  
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Art ‘as’ therapy vs Art ‘in’ therapy

Art as therapy is used as a therapeutic tool that’s relaxing and pleasurable. Various mediums such as drawing, painting, and sculpting. The focus is on how one feels during the process. The result of the content isn’t given much importance.

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A generational cycle of trauma amongst family members is not unheard of. It's important to understand how the attachment figures in a family can affect everyone else's mental wellbeing and growth.
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Do you ever feel a wave of anger or an urge to engage in violence after playing violent video games for long hours!?
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Bollywood is back with having the female lead in chiffon sarees and the male lead in fully clothed, singing, and dancing on the peaks of snow-covered mountains. Bollywood is known for its lavish sets, songs with background dancers, action sequences, trendsetting costumes, and good-looking and attractive protagonists. 
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Have you ever come across something being labelled “ therapy”, even though it wasn't therapy? A post on instagram might’ve called comedy as “therapy”.
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We all go through days where we feel down on energy, and everything seems low. On such days, having a mere chocolate cake can make us feel better. But only momentarily. So when we start feeling down again, sooner than later, our first thought is ‘how about another piece of cake’.
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In an increasingly chaotic and stressful society, the pursuit of mental well-being has become the primary concern. Among the many options available, yoga stands out as a comprehensive practice that nurtures both the mind and the body. Yoga's primary objective is to create harmony and balance within oneself.
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Were you ever treated with harsh punishments and penalties by your parents? Well, there’s a chance you might be doing it to your own child, or partner without even realising it.
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The concept of premarital counseling is not well accepted in our country. 

Unfortunately, life isn't a fairytale where everyone lives happily ever after, after getting married. There would be good times and bad times, couples may also experience times of boredom and monotony.

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On 28th May 2023, a 16-year-old girl was brutally murdered by her 20-year-old boyfriend. The incident took place in a populous area in Delhi. The minor was stabbed and even hit with a slab of stone; multiple times post an argument wherein the victim expressed that she wanted to end the relationship.
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Teaching is a challenging profession. It is important to know a teacher well before knowing what he teaches, as he is playing the role of surrogate parent to the children. There would be memories of our childhood where we feel certain emotion with a particular teacher.
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Schizophrenia is essentially a brain disease. This means that someone with schizophrenia may see, hear, feel, smell, or taste things that aren’t really there. They do not share the objective reality that we all share. The sensations that they experience feel completely real. These sensations are called hallucinations. If you see a wild animal such as a lion right in front of you, what would you do? 
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Picture this, you’re in a supermarket and you see a child crying,yelling, begging, and laying on the floor to get their parent (s) to buy a huge tub of their favorite ice cream. A lot of us may have experienced this, seenit, or done it ourselves when we were younger. A lot many times, parents give in or bribe the child with something or the other to make them stop.
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“Let us ban porn because it is against Indian sanskriti”. Irony is, it is against that sanskriti where Kamasutra was originated. Temples which are the supposed recreational spots for Indians, which is put on the highest pedestal has depicted erotic content. One of the most visited tourist spot is Khujrao temple in MP, which is famous for its erotic depictions. 
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Disclaimer- this article is just a take on fairy tales, it has no intentions of offending stories!
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Art Therapy

Art therapy is a form of therapy that utilizes various art materials and techniques to help individuals express themselves and explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences. It is based on the belief that creating art can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

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Have you ever witnessed abuse as a child? Do you think your child has been a witness to abuse? Can abuse affect a four-year-old? Is there is a way to help children who have been witness to abuse? 
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How many times in our life, have we not able to say no. The simpler the words, the complicated feelings we have associated to them. Sometimes when someone ask you to do, all you want to do is shout a single word towards them, NO. But do you moral situations, or from the respect from your that person’s eyes, we end up saying YES. Even from the bottom of our hearts, we don’t want to do that work but we end up doing that. 

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We have often come across people who have a habit of sucking thumb or keeps on chewing something or the other. In fact, we have a lot of times scolded children after a certain age who have a habit of sucking thumb or putting anything in their mouth. 
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We have often seen and heard people cutting themselves or harming themselves in some or the other form. Let’s see why people indulge in self-harm behaviour and what are certain ways to prevent it. 

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Here is a sneak peak in a therapist’s life. Many of us think that therapy is all about talking, two people sitting on opposite chairs talking. We have heard many people saying “we can do that with friends, we don’t need a psychologist”. Therapy is not just a conversation. A therapists put in a lot of energy to work with a client, just like any other profession. 

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We have often heard people saying I have “BPD” or I am “bipolar”. We have also used word “bipolar” casually. Let us understand what do we mean by bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. One of the major differences between both of them is bipolar is a “mood” disorder where as borderline is “personality” disorder, as the name suggests.  

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Rejection refers to the act of refusing or dismissing something, often a proposal, request, or offer. It can also refer to the feeling of being unwanted or unaccepted, which can be experienced in social situations, romantic relationships, job interviews, and many other contexts.

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In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we sometimes become ignorant about how we treat our partners and the impact it can have on them and their mental health and of course, the quality of the relationship. 

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We have come across a lot of news that stated “possessed woman beaten to death” or “possessed woman stripped naked”. These stories have been in news since time immemorial. We read it, discuss it, comment on it, victimise and then forget about it. How many have you ever questioned whether it is possession or there is something to more to it? 

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We have heard people using word “trauma” frequently. People around us have started labelling their experiences as traumatic, even the day-to-day experiences are also labeled as trauma.

Let’s understand what trauma is and how it impacts our life.

Abuse, natural calamities, serious illnesses, the passing away of a loved one, divorce, serious accidents, assault, witnessing an act of violence, and domestic violence are only some examples of what can cause trauma.

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Psychology is a field of study that is focused on understanding the human mind and behavior. Psychologists are trained to diagnose and treat mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. They use a variety of evidence-based treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, and group therapy, to help their clients improve their mental health.

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Have you ever found yourself in situation with no way out?? Does the situation feel like “oh it has happened before”??? Do you feel like “what is the point of trying, I will fail again”??? The important phrase in the entire situation is “I will fail again, what’s the point of trying anymore”. When we keep ending up in failed situations it impacts our self-esteem, motivation and our image. Situations like these often lead to depressive features.
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Too much of anything can be harmful. Yes, even too much positivity can be harmful! We frequently hear phrases or mantras like good vibes only, look at the brighter side, happiness is a choice, among others. These statements promote being dismissive of all emotions and experiences that don’t feel pleasant or joyful.
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Has it ever happened that someone in your friend circle, relatives, or a close friend scored more than you or cleared any competitive exam? 


How many times have you felt the pressure to clear your exams?

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With the new year around the corner, let’s make a resolution to make our mental health a priority!

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Exam Anxiety

Do you remember the times when you have gone blank while attempting an exam? Have you ever felt your mind going numb, your head dizzy, and a sudden increase in heartbeat? A feeling that one faces while entering an exam room. We all have googled these feelings and tried to make sense of it. Why do we feel this way, why cannot we perform in exams? Let us try to understand what it is and how to cope with it.

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Can our parents even be toxic?! 

It's disheartening but true that our parents can be toxic. Our parents can behave in ways that can be hurtful and provoke unpleasant feelings in us. 


How would you know if your parents are toxic? 

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There are three types of erections: reflexive, psychogenic, and nocturnal. When men fail or struggle to get or maintain an erection can be due to a psychological factor which is a condition called psychological impotence. Erectile dysfunction may affect an individual's stress and anxiety levels as well as cause relationship issues, feelings of guilt and inadequacy and more. 

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Here are some breadcrumbs for you to keep you going!

Has it ever happened that someone you’re romantically interested in, only reaches out when they’re feeling lonely? Do they struggle with making or committing to plans or disappear or ‘get too busy’ for days in a row and phase you out? You may be experiencing breadcrumbing.

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Have you been asked to adjust time and again? Have you been reminded to learn to compromise otherwise you will not be able to sustain a relationship? You need to be sacrificing and giving for your family members, ever been told this? The need to adjust, sacrifice and compromise have been emphasized strongly by the elders to maintain the peace and harmony of relationships. However, modern times pose modern problems and with everything being instantly available, millennials have gotten some confusion regarding adjustment and compromise. So let’s understand what adjustment, compromise and sacrifice really mean?

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Schizotypal Disorder

The schizotypal disorder is a part of the schizophrenia spectrum. The emotions, behaviors, and thinking of a person would be disturbed. To be diagnosed with this disorder, one must experience at least 3-to 4 of the symptoms discussed here continuously or at intervals for a minimum of 2 years. 
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The rights of mentally ill patients have always been a reason for controversy in India. There are number of cases that have been reported where a mentally ill patient has been treated like an animal. The Erawadi fire incident took place in 2001. Since then, there is hardly any improvement made in the domain of mental health services. Detaining patients without their consent has been the most common practice by hospitals in various societies. The Constitution of India guarantees several other rights to the mentally ill patients along with the Fundamental Rights. 
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Menopause does not only bring changes physically but it has an life altering impact on mental health. As a woman when we are near our menstrual date we start feeling various changes in our body and mind. We tend to get sad, lethargic, frequent crying spells, irritability and most important is sugar craving the only we regret later. One of the reasons for facing such changes is during our periods certain neurotransmitter, dopamine also known as happy hormones level goes down. In our life time we go through many changes mentally one of that happens when puberty hits and we start menstruating.
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We all have been hurt or disappointed with people around us at some point in our lives, be it our friends, family, or colleagues. Maybe a friend violated our boundaries, or your partner said something mean to you. Such incidents may take a toll on our emotional and psychological well-being which is why forgiveness plays a major role in our lives.
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Have you ever observed anyone repetitively washing their hands/ cleaning the same thing or area again and again/ repeating specific words or phrases/ organizing objects in a specific symmetrical manner? If yes, there is a high possibility of you having to observed someone engage in a compulsive behaviour.
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Neurosis and psychosis are two terms we use to classify various psychological disorders. These two common terms are interchangeably used by many people these days. This article aims to provide a better understanding of neurosis and psychosis. Before we further discuss it why not we take a paper and write down all the differences we could think of.
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Everyone experiences stress and fear at some point in their lives. But sometimes some incidents or events can leave a lasting impact on us. Trauma can induce feelings of intense fear, shock, and sadness among other emotions in us. 
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Grief is a form of emotion that could be overwhelming for the person going through it, it could bring confusion or sadness to one’s life. Normally people feel grief when they have lost a loved one, gone through a break-up, have been diagnosed with a terminal sickness etc. 
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Have you ever heard from others or encountered times when you were not able to fall asleep, or were woken up in the middle of the night due to no reason or disturbance?

Insomnia is understood as an experience of poor sleep or insufficient marked by difficulty falling asleep or trouble maintaining sleep; waking earlier than usual hours; sensing non- restorative sleep (“I feel tired even after sleeping through the night”).

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Dissociative amnesia is a condition in which a person cannot remember important information about their life. This forgetting may be limited to certain specific areas (thematic), or may include much of the person’s life history and/or identity (general).
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Most people daydream now and then, and if that happens to you, it's perfectly normal. But if you have a mental health problem called "dissociation," your sense of disconnect from the world around you is often a lot more complicated than that.
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Depersonalization and Derealization are symptoms of a mental health condition that includes repetitively feeling of being detached (dissociation) from your sensations, mental processes or body (depersonalization), or with feelings of detachment from your surroundings (derealization)
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There have been times in our lives when we have blamed ourselves for a negative event. These events could be as small as why didn’t we cook today to events like our partner is angry at me because “I can’t keep them happy”. Before we read further on it why don’t we take a moment and see when was the last time we blamed ourselves for an event where we had no control.
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Have you ever experienced short breaths and racing heart when you are about to get in to an
argument with someone? Or felt like choking or nauseous in the middle of a traffic jam? The
body immediately experiences physical arousal and changes whenever there is a real or
imaginary threat or danger. This is commonly known as STRESS (the silent killer). The
stress response can be broken down into three phases: the immediate response, the
intermediate response, and the prolonged response.
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What stressors are remains subjective as it varies from person to person. What may overwhelm and distress one may not be of much concern to another – the daily chores, relationships and conflicts, workplace challenges, traffic jams, honking and noise on the streets – not every imaginable stressor imply stress for every human.
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Let’s say you are at your work having a regular day and unexpectedly your boss exclaims errors in the report you submitted and criticizes you and your performance. What is it that you experience in your body and mind following that situation?
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What is Depression

Have you ever been unable to complete your goals because your mind and body won’t cooperate with you? Have you ever felt extremely tired in the morning even though you just woke up? Have you ever felt like not participating in activities that previously seemed pleasurable to you? These could be signs of depression.
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Becoming aware is only the first step to breaking the pattern of the given behaviour of concern. With increased levels of awareness you can become cognizant of your triggers helping you to identify them and learn more adaptive responses rather than reacting in compulsive behaviours.
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In young people, body dissatisfaction has been linked to risk-taking behaviours and mental health problems. One survey of UK adolescents by Be Real found that 36% agreed they would do ‘whatever it took’ to look good, with 57% saying they had considered going on a diet, and 10% saying they had considered cosmetic surgery. 
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Body image is a multidimensional construct, which involves perceptions, behaviors, cognitions, and emotions related to individual’s body, that are also connected to the degree of one’s own body image satisfaction and perceptual accuracy. 
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“I would want to sit down in the classroom and be able to read the paragraph as instructed by the teacher. I desired to wait through my turn but would always find myself an object of laughter in class being interrupted by the teacher telling me to stay quiet as it’s not my turn yet. As much as it was good laugh for everyone, I would feel shamed deep inside and nothing that I would do could earn me words of praise from my teacher or parents. Look at him, he is behaving so good, why can’t you just sit in one place, you are a bad boy were common phrases in place of any words of reinforcement or appreciation.”

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Greater parenting stress has been associated with the families of children with ADHD. Some of the techniques that can be helpful for family members and primary care givers are briefly highlighted below.

Parents or caregivers could learn what ADHD is and how to communicate with kids who have ADHD. Few things a therapist can help with:

• Parent and child encouraged to talk and discuss about ADHD and its effects
• Information about ADHD provided to parents and teachers
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ADHD is a pervasive disorder, affecting all areas of function, the treatment plan must be farsighted, comprehensive and flexibility adapted overtime to changing needs. The commitment of patient and family to the plan must be cultivated. 
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We in our previous article spoke about ADHD, now let’s focus on its symptoms. ADHD is of 3 types namely, inattentive, hyperactive and both.
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Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by impairing levels of inattention, disorganization, and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity.

Inattention and disorganization entail inability to stay on task, seeming not to listen, and losing materials necessary for tasks, at levels that are inconsistent with age or developmental level.
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What do we understand by Autism Spectrum Disorder? We have heard people saying their child has autism, let’s explore more about it.

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder resulting from differences in the brain.The symptoms can start showing in children within the first 12 months of life. But it can be diagnosed later in life as well. This disorder affects all spheres of an individual's life.
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Self-esteem is affected by various happenings in our lives which makes self-esteem dynamic in nature. Before we delve into how we can improve our self-esteem let us take a piece of paper and write how we define ourselves. So, what did we write, is it all positive or is it negative or is it a mixture of positive or negative statements?
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Self-esteem is how we perceive and evaluate ourselves. This perception and evaluation are subjective and affects our day-to-day lives and activities. It encompasses our beliefs, what we appreciate and admire about ourselves and our lives as well as how we feel others perceive us.
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Do you often find yourself comparing your body to that of others or don’t feel satisfied with what your body looks like? If so, you are not alone.

When we talk about body image, we take into consideration the feelings and beliefs one has about their own body concerning its shape, size, and other characteristics along with the sense of embodiment. This also influences our attitude and behavior towards our bodies. 
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Why did this happen? Am I unlovable or there is something wrong? We all have these thoughts after getting out of a romantic relationship. We all tend to question ourselves. Why do feel this way? We form our sense of self from experiences and self-esteem is a branch of self. Break up changes our concept of self that is an individual feels a significant drop in clarity of self. 
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Each and every person once in their lifetime goes through a heart break because of an end to a romantic relationship. Why do we see heartbreak as a phase that passes with a person moving on? Have we ever thought why heartbreak feels like it is an end to world or is there more to it than just crying. Whenever we see our friends going through something like this we advice them to move on and go on other dates. Does going on from one date to another really helps? Why does moving on feels so heavy?
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One a person commits suicide society says “he/she never looked unhappy, they were such nice people, they don’t deserve that, they could have talk to someone about it or get help”. We are so ignorant towards people that we ignore the basic signs of suicidal tendencies in people. Yes, these are physical signs, one can see and still choses to ignore it because they think “it is phase and it will pass”. 
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We use labels to discriminate people and encourage negative stereotypes about them. Labels evoke negative and positive emotions in the person who is being labelled.
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We use word “depression” in our day to day lives for describing our emotional state. The word has become so common that we use this word even when we go through minor inconveniences. Have we really ever thought how a person who is going through major depression sees the world? Is it black or white for them or is it colourful at times? What is depression; is it just feeling sad or there is something more to it?
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While walking down a lane I saw a family consoling their son saying “why are you crying, don’t behave like a girl”. A five years old boy lost his favourite toy and the first thing he did was, he went to his mother and cried. His first natural response was “crying”.
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