
Menopause does not only bring changes physically but it has an life altering impact on mental health. As a woman when we are near our mensurational date we start feeling various changes in our body and mind. We tend to get sad, lethargic, frequent crying spells, irritability and most important is sugar craving the only we regret later. On of the reasons for facing such changes is during our periods certain neurotransmitter, dopamine also known as happy hormones level goes down. In our life time we go through many changes mentally one of that happens when puberty hits and we start menstruating. The other time is when a woman goes through menopause, which alters mental health.

When a woman is going through menopause it leads to various mood changes. There are several studies which have showed that with hormonal fluctuations there is alteration in brain chemicals as well that affects mood. The chances of depression doubles, anxiety increases. Several other mood changes are increase in irritability, lack of motivation, anger issues, stress, and several other cognitive issues. Further there could be relapse of certain mental issues. Women who suffer from bipolar disorders for them menopause is found to be more challenging as they are highly sensitive to hormonal shifts. Similarly, a woman suffering from schizophrenia will need higher dosage to function like a mentally heathy person.

There are several steps if followed can help women with their mental health issues.
The most important thing is exercise and eat healthy. Exercising once a day can lift mood, even a walk for 15 minutes in a park can do wonders. Eating healthy food by increasing intake of iron, calcium and vitamins. Women should avoid excess sugar and carbohydrates especially if there is no way to burn that.  Secondly, breaking tasks into smaller ones and setting priorities. It helps in focusing on task at hand and improves cognition. Third by learning a new hobby or doing something that makes you happy like going for a movie or any recreational activity. Meditation and relaxation exercise every day helps to fight mood changes. Staying emotionally connected with family and nurturing friendship. Taking adequate sleep and managing sleep schedule. Seek therapy or help if needed.